designer kitchen detail

Design Dilemmas:
Honesty in Material Choices

As designers, we all dream of creating beautiful, functional spaces. But with that dream comes a responsibility: the ethical sourcing of materials.

Gone are the days of simply prioritizing aesthetics. Today, we must consider the environmental impact of our choices. Opting for cheap, mass-produced materials might seem appealing, but it often hides a dark side – unsustainable practices, harmful chemicals, and exploitation of resources.

sydney living room design by insidesign

Products: custom sofa from E9design, cushions from Ivy Lane,
decor from Mecque and Ivy Lane


So, how do we navigate this design dilemma? Here's my approach:

  • Transparency is key: I believe in open communication with clients. Discussing the provenance and environmental impact of materials empowers them to make informed decisions.
  • Embrace local: Sourcing from local artisans and craftspeople not only reduces the carbon footprint of transportation but also supports our community and celebrates unique aesthetics.
  • Sustainable alternatives: Innovative materials like bamboo, recycled plastic, and reclaimed wood offer beautiful and durable options without sacrificing the planet.
  • Quality over quantity: Investing in well-made pieces built to last reduces waste and the need for frequent replacements.

Product: Silestone kitchen benchtop, a hybrid mix of minerals and recycled materials to create a high performing durable surface.

By prioritizing honesty in material choices, we can create spaces that are not only stylish but also speak to our values of responsibility and sustainability. It's a beautiful way to design with a conscience.